Various types of catwalks are available to support loading equipment and facilitate maintenance and operation of silo plants. The design is modular with bolted joints, and options include different spans, distances to the ground, and load capacities.
Designed for pedestrian passage or as support for mechanization up to 2,000 t/h, dimensions range from 80 mm to 3500 mm wide with an anti-slip floor and protective elements complying with standard UNE-EN ISO 14122. Available catwalk options include open, closed tunnel, lattice, or laminate structure.
The cap support, placed above the top cover of the silo roof, supports the catwalk and varies depending on machinery performance and catwalk type.
Bolted to the silo stiffeners, lateral supports are used for light machinery in silos up to 24 m in diameter. An oblique support can also be added depending on the silo and catwalk model.
An optional element, the rest platform on the silo hatch facilitates connection supervision work between machinery and the silo.
Specially designed to bear loads from catwalks and transfer them directly to the foundation, support towers come in different types based on position and design:
• Intermediate towers for catwalk support between silos: Each tower has a ground surface area of 2 meters by 1 meter.
• Towers in exposed positions: Each tower covers a ground surface area of 2 meters by 2 meters.
• Supporting towers: These towers feature a structure consisting of double T beams and steel sheet catwalks.
Modular bolted and welded structures made with double-T laminate profiles in galvanized steel.
• Elevator towers offer stability, easy access to catwalks, and safer elevator maintenance.
• They feature a walkable floor, electro-welded grating, and maintenance platforms including securing tensioners.
• Grain reception centralized within a cluster of hoppers.
• Processing towers equipped for reception, weighing, and cleaning processes.
• Transfer towers for port facilities